About Mystic Visions

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Mystic Visions is dedicated to a new way of modern natural design with powerful symbols of the ancient world, we add the finest free learning resources after decades of intense research. Mystic Visions belives original design is the way of beauty. Mystic Visions designs Lapidary, sculpture, jewelery, wands and mediation tools that are life healing and increase spiritual awareness for the wearer. We provide articles with key unique mystical knowledge and mediation practice information. A new way of modern natural design with powerful symbols of the ancient world. The time honored wisdom behind each design embodies beauty & perfection that brings you to stand out uniquely. One of a kind metaphysical sculpture for home and personal sacred space. After decades of intense study and research we offer the finest free learning resources suggestions.Make Sure You Friend Us @ Facebook To Get Special Info And Our Free Extras We Offer to Only Facebook Friends https://www.facebook.com/mysticvisionsdecor

Friday, March 14, 2014

Finding Your Personal Mystical Place

Finding Your Personal Mystical Place
The skill of finding magical places has been widely practiced. It is a tell tale sign of the mystic for countless centuries. At a later date I will have information on creating a magical place.There are a number of things to consider when thinking about embarking on a sacred journey of finding your own personal mystical place.A magical place on occasion is more about a time rather than a place.Here is one of my experiences that will help you.

One weekend I was on my way to a expo to showcase my mystical art creations. I had been pumping energy into my exsistance to align myself into a state of sacred synchronicity. On the morning of the show, I loaded my vehicle and began the 45 min drive. I drove my self to the nearest entrance to the highway and shortly after I began down the road it happened. The huge euphoric gusting rush of high vibrational energy that en-companies a powerful vortex (mystical place). As I looked to the sky there was a beam of pure, beautiful light that surround me, and behold I was in the center of this ray of light extending 30 feet in all directions around me. This ray of light remained with me for the remainder of my trip, until I arrived at my expo. The expo lasted three days and went extraordinarily well & meeting many new friends.

My point is that the beams of light and vibrations is a sacred sign and sometimes they appear as a permanent fixture in many places in nature. Sometimes, it's just with you. Like me, on a drive, as I showed you in my example, that day. On another hand I usually designate a trip to seek out a new sacred place and I will wait till a time that is a similar experience to my example and find my next sacred spot to meditate and charge up.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui of the orient, has 2 half's. One half is the interior harmony and the other halve focuses on the exterior Feng shui, energy found in nature. It's teachings are simply beautiful. Exterior Feng shui teaches the way the land creates energy. This energy is created and channeled like a river, threw the natural shapes, outlines, & curveiture of the land. It considers hills, tree lines, the placement of these trees and many more factors that make ether good or bad energy and in rare occasions the land makes a powerful vortex/a powerful mystical place. One of the features that make a vortex in exterior feng shui is on the inside of a u shaped bend of a river or stream. What makes this a power spot is if it has natural occurring whirlpools on each turn of the u shaped section of the river/stream.

Symbol Shapes On The Forest Floor & In The Forest

I have a set of factors that I use for the right time when nature tells me it's time to find the sacred in nature + I use my astrology and numerology daily forecast validating its congruent with what I see in nature.

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